Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Compromise I'm Willing To Make!

So here's my simple compromise vis a vis the Steroid Era...

I'm willing to throw Barry Bonds and all his records under the bus in exchange for the same thing being done to Mark McGuire and Jose Canseco in the 1989 World Series. You get no Barry! We get our World Series rings!

Sounds like a good trade to me! No Bonds For Rings! NO BONDS FOR RINGS! Has a nice ring to it, eh?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pittsburg and Kansas City in the World Series 2009

Just joking!  Wanted to make a post on the blog to try and stir up some interest.!!!

The Boys of Summer are almost ready for opening day.  Any predictions like:

Will Webb win the Cy Young this year?

Will the Giants make the playoffs?

Will the Yankees start selling their own version of branded steroids for kids?

Come on guys, it's time for predicitons.