Sunday, March 23, 2008

It is Time

Okay guys...the season begins in..gasp...Tokyo...this week, so it is about time that we put our season's predictions in place.

So you've got a couple of options:

1) Post your picks here.


2) Post your picks over at your personal blogs.

I plan to publish my picks over at The Beach this week. Who's game?


Anonymous said...

Ok! FInally!!!! It's TIme!!!!

Here's my picks:

NL East: Mets
NL Central: Cubs
NL West: D'Backs

AL East: gulp.... Yankees
AL Central: Tigers
AL West: Los Angeles Angels of ANaheim/Disneyland California,....

NL Champ: Cubs
AL Champ: Yankees


Cy Youngs: Webb and Zito
MVP: Pujlos and AROD

Anonymous said...

Okay, about FULL predictions...first to last in each division, Wild Card winners, Divisional Series matchups and winners, then LCS and WS.

Oh yeah...who wins the All-Star Game for WS homefield advantage?

Anonymous said...

I can do that! Alon with wiiners of the gold gloves, silver slugger, and Jewish Player of the year!!!

Just give me a day or 2.. lol

Anonymous said...

Mine is coming for Wednesday...I hope...

Marcel said...

National League

NL Central: Brewers
NL West: Dodgers (I'm not biased)
NL East: Mets
Wildcard: Cubs (barely edging out the Phillies in a tight race)

1st Round:
Dodgers over Mets (I'm not biased)
Cubs over Brewers

Dodgers over Cubs (I'm STILL not biased)

American League

AL Central: Tigers
AL West: Los Angeles California Angels of Disneyland in Anaheim
AL East: The Dark Side
Wildcard: Red Sox

1st Round:
Tigers over Red Sox
Dark Side over LACADA

Tigers over Dark Side (predicting Steinbrenner to go into cardiac arrest due to poor health and age)

World Series:

Dodgers over Tigers (in 6)

It will be one of the best series in recent history!

Good to be back at Da Stretch....

Will Robison said...

Short Prediction:

Giants in 7. (No, seriously, they'll be in contention a FULL 7 games. ;)

Longer Prediction will come later.

Anonymous said...

Let the smack talk begin!

Oh wait...not much coming from SF this year...

And I see we've got the same ol' Zito in the opener today...

Glad things haven't changed.

Anonymous said...

Friend congratulations for their work in your blog. I love your country, I am trying to disclose the social problems facing Brazil in the world. I do not want to disturb you friend. More I, I desenpenhando a job filotropicos with a community with more than 25 thousand inhabitants. An embrace of Manoel Limoeiro do Brazil. E-mail and msn:

Re-EP. Brazil., 02, abrail 2008,