All joking aside, if he did or he didn't, Who Cares? Barry is an over forty guy that can still hit a 98 mph fastball. Do you know how hard that has to be? I know that if I could step into the batters box and try, I would probably pee my pants and have to leave the game.
So, Barry Bonds, good on you! You've perservered and run the race. I think Babe would be proud. Oh yeah, and before I forget, there's this guy named A-Rod and a youngster named Albert in St. Louis that are gunning for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
MMmmmm... Hot Dog! Mmmmm... Beer! I think its too late to call out of work and head to the game! Of course, its a hell of a commute to Phoenix, but... Hot Dog... Beer! Mmmmm...
Here's another perspective. So if he committed perjury, does that mean he is guilty of taking steroids beyong a shadow of a doubt? Even if he did, our judicial system has to prove he did. And unless there's overwhlming circumstancial evidence, or a witness to come forward (yeah right, as if) and point a finger, we're still back to Will's argument of guilt by public opinion.
Will Selig put an asterisk next to Barry's home run total when he retires, even if he's not proven guilty by the system?
I don't think there should be an asterisk. Baseball has had its eras - deadball, high mound (late 60s), and now the steroid era. Can't asterisk the HRs without asterisking every single game and stat associated - it's a cause and effect statistically.
For instance, if you "removed" his HR totals that are presumed to be juiced, then you'd have to remove the runs from each game, remove the runs from the pitchers who threw the game, possibly changing the outcome of the games and therefore team records. It would be a statistical nightmare.
No...it's just as wrong to asterisk these HRs in much the same way it was wrong to asterisk Maris' 61 HR.
As to Donny's point, Barry hasn't been turning on many pitches, and his performance this year so far has caused his career batting avg numbers to drop below .300. While his eye is still good, he's not turning on those inside fastballs with the frequency like he used to (# 713 in Philly aside). Right now, I'd be real surprised if he finished the season with anymore than 20 HR on the year, and a season avg above .275.
We are watching the end this year, no doubt in my mind.
And the Giants will have $20 million to spend on about 5 or 6 players next year.
On the Asterisk: Speaking of substances, Ruth should get an * for his then-unheard-of 60 homers. Why? Because he was drunk for most of 1927, so his HR total should be adjusted upwards by about 40 percent. :)
On Bonds: I'm actually wondering how much longer he can go in the outfield without the DH in the NL before he either busts a ligament, pulls a hammy or what not. It's creepy watching him out there, unless you're a Dodger fan of course. :)
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