That was one of the greatest AllStar Games I have ever seen. What pitching! Brandon Webb came in for only one inning but he quickly dispatched Jeter, Oritz, then A-Rod. What a task!
Penny is awesome Marcel! You guys are lucky to have him!
So, What were you guys most impressed with? Was it the new faces (I think so) or the old guard?
Was that last night? ;)
I'd be most impressed if anyone knew who all these kids were. When I heard that someone had hit a triple in the top of the ninth to take the lead, I didn't know if the kid they mentioned was the pitcher or the hitter. I'm still not sure.
Whatever happened to Mays, McCovey, Reggie Jackson, etc... It wasn't so long ago that you could just about guess every single All Star on day one, and only have the occassional new guy. Now its a question as to how many old guys will even show up. The All Star Game has been a joke ever since Commissioner Bud decided to end it in a tie. That is a baseball sin every bit as egregious as trading the Babe to the Yankees. Its gonna be called the Curse of The Budbino! You mark my words!
I, too, was stunned to see the All-Star rosters and thought...huh?
Nevermind the typical BIAS of the East Coast, with starting lineups stacked with NY (both AL and NL) and Boston players...
It is still a crime that Milwaukee's Chris Capuano wasn't on the roster, but Oswalt was.
Chris who???
It's these no-name kids that will eventually be the guys every 11 year old will be poking a hole through the ballot for. We'll be blogging about it in twenty years and Will will (Will will? Heh!) be asking "Whatever happened to Jeter, Big Papi, Sizemore and Penny?" (had to include a Dodger for Will's sake)
Tom Sizemore and Penny Marshall? No wonder LA sucks... ;)
I don't dispute Penny as an All-Star (although he doesn't have the best numbers compared to other All-Star pitchers) - but he was the right choice to start based on when he last pitched.
Chris Capuano is one of Milwaukee's pitchers - 10-4, 3.21 ERA, 112 Ks vs 25 BBs, 2 Complete Game Shutouts in 129 IP. WHIP (Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched) is 1.18.
Penny - 10-2, 2.91 ERA, 82 Ks vs 28 BBs, NO complete games, No shutouts, 108.1 IP. WHIP is 1.21 (and in fact, higher than some of the other All-Star pitchers, including Schmidt, Arroyo and Webb).
Not saying that Penny shouldn't be an All-Star - he definitely deserved the nod - but Capuano definitely should have been on the NL team (I would have dumped Glavine for Capuano, actually).
Andy you are right....Capuono is having a monster year.
Also, everyone knows that there is no East Coast Bias. The players are just better over here...hehe...
I'm just trying to start trouble like you did when you posted about drinking on your blog. Loved it!
Well, yeah, but you fail to take into account the Diamondbacks, Rockies, Giants, Padres, A's, Mariners, and Angels into that equation. There are a lot of good players on those teams.
I mean, who can forget Brandon Webb?;) Other than that, you're right.
Will you are right. I didn't take into account all of those teams. And as a matter of fact, "West Coast" is everything on your side of the Mississippi River. So that gives you Pujols and friends......
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