Friday, April 11, 2008

Fan Stats Part 1

As the 7th Inning Stretch Deputy Commissioner of Baseball Statistics, I am hereby imposing the use of Fan Statistics to determine any fans net worth to a baseball team. So from now on, I expect you all to list your most relevant stat next to your name when commenting or posting. You may choose from the following list of relevant Fan Statistical Categories:

R.P.G. (Record Per Game) - This, the most straightforward of stats, is the Record Per Game stat, also known as your win/loss record while attending games. Currently, I have been to one game and my RPG is 1-0. There is also an RPG Percentage for those truly into mathematics, and my current RPG% is 1.000.

W.A.G. (Wins After Game) - This is a more relevant stat to your fandom ability. This statistic measures the number of wins your team has after you attend a game - kind of like the Yards After Catch statistic for wide receivers. It is measured by the total number of wins your team scores after attendance (until the next loss, of course) divided by the total number of games attended to create an average W.A.G. score. Currently, the Giants have won two games in a row after my visit. This creates a WAG score of 2.00 (2 games divided by 1 visit). If they win again tonight, my WAG score would increase to 3.00.

R.P.V. (Record Per Viewing) - This is the same as your R.P.G. except that it measures your Television viewing record. For the true fan, partial viewings, like partial attended games, count towards your total record. I have not actually seen any games on TV this season (except the last half inning of the one I attended) so my R.P.V. would be the same as my R.P.G..

W.A.V. (Wins after Viewing) - same as W.A.G. except again it refers to Television viewing.

R.P.L. (Record Per Listen) - This can be a brutal category for most since most fans will listen to the radio portion of some game pretty much every game of the season, and so, often their R.P.L. will match the team's record perfectly. This pretty much makes this a meaningless statistic. But if you happen to only listen to the radio when your team wins, then its a good stat to have.

W.A.L. (Wins after Listen) - again, pretty meaningless, unless you happen to only listen to games at the start of long win streaks.

That's it for now. Once again, please include your most relevant fan stat after your name when commenting here.

Next Time we'll tackle important Fan Stats like R.S.B (Runs Scored while in Bathroom) and R.P.G.F. (Runs Per Garlic Fry order).

Until then, keep those fan stats recorded.

Will (2.00 WAG) Robison


Anonymous said...

You also forgot another key stat - the RPIV - Record Per Internet Viewing, which includes monitoring the game via any live action feed on the Internet (whether live video feed, ESPN Gameday, or MLB's Live Stat Feed or even if you hit the refresh button for updated stats). Which then includes the WAIV (Wins After Internet Viewing) - but be might be waived as a fan if you don't perform.

And we know how confusing MLB's waiver rules are...

Will Robison said...

No, but seriously, it takes like ten years for the Committee on Fanatical Viewing Statistics to recognize new technologies. So the RPIV and WAIV are not accepted statistics yet. Heck, they only agreed to the RPV and WAV about three years ago.

Anonymous said...

What about if you have the baseball package on cable? I sometimes watch bits and pieces of up to ten games per night! Will that skew my numbers?

Will Robison said...

Only if you keep accurate stats of all the games you watch. Same thing with SportsCenter, since you're technically watching highlights. I think the stat only counts if A)You're a fan of said team (or extreme rival - like if I discovered that every time I watched the Dodgers they lost by 10, I'd get the Dodgers TV package at my home and watch them lose every single night) or B) You are actively watching a particular team for some other reason. I think channel flipping shouldn't count against your bottom line in the same way that batting practice doesn't count in your batting average.

Anonymous said...

We should also consider the Hot Dog/Win Ratio, the Dollar per Meal per Game per Win Ratio.

And lest we forget, there is the Wins Per Game With Friends, Wins Per Game With Family, Wins Per Game With Family AND Friends (also known as the Family and Friends Win Package), Wins Per Game Per Dollar of Concession Spent, the Wins Per Game That I Considered Attending But Didn't and the ever important Wins Per Game When I'm in Attendance With Will.

Will Robison said...

And don't forget the most important stat, Wins Per Game That I Could Have Attended, But Ultimately Didn't Because I Had Too Many Things To Do. This has been a very good stat for me in the past.