Friday, May 26, 2006

Friday's Baseball Category

Categories is a game my sister and I invented to pass the time and it has been a feature on my blog for a while now on Friday's. The game works particularly well with blogs because it is, in essence, a blog category type thing. The idea is that I name a category and ask you to furnish the three best (and often funniest) answers you can come up with. For example; Name Three Other Substances Bonds Thought He Was Using Besides Flax Seed Oil. And you would answer 1) Injectable Sun Screen 2) Spray On Hair and 3) Tattoo Protection... or something like that. Got the idea?

Okay, Today's Friday Baseball Category Is...

Name Three Ways Baseball Could Be Improved By Adopting Parts Of Other Sports.

Good luck!


Will Robison said...

1) Hate to say it... Cheerleaders! After all, who really watches them for their cheering ability? ;)

2) Allow two players to duke it out, a la Hockey, without other players interfering.

3) Artistic Merit Scores For Great Defensive Plays - just hope you don't get the French Judge whenever you visit Canada, eh.

Andy said...

1) If a ball is hit into a basket hanging off the right field fence, you get 2 extra runs.

2) Outfielders may use lacrosse sticks when playing in ballparks with fences taller than 12 feet (ie Fenway and AT&T Parks)

3) Runners may tackle the SS or 2B when trying to break up a double play.

Anonymous said...

1. On infield popups (especially behind the plate) the batter may tackle the player trying to catch the ball. If successful, they get first base free. In essence, no fair catches.

2. Players that hit into a double play must sit out the next inning in a penalty box and their team must play short.

3. Umpires carry stun guns and when a player commits an error, he uses it on them!

Marcel said...

1. Similar to Andy's #1, place posts in dead center about 450 ft out. Any home run balls splitting the uprights gets an additional three runs.

2. A la arena-league football, put a net screen behind home plate. Any foul balls that bounces off and back onto the field is in play.

3. Cheerleaders on top of the dugouts. 'Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Ala Mr. Sherman's #3 I must call for an exclusion for Umpires Charlie Reliford and Greg Gibson. Like Brandon Webb they are also from Ashland, Kentucky and are friends. All other umps are fair game!!!!