Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Someone in England Likes Baseball??

I've noticed on the map that there have been a ton of hits from someone in England. I didn't know there were any baseball fans on that side of the pond! We are glad to have you!!! Anyway, I have been waiting to use this picture of my favorite footballer Wayne Rooney in a post. Oh yeah, sorry if we call football soccer.


Marcel said...

And we're even more sorry we call our American football..."football!"

Anonymous said...

I've had a similar experience Mr. Sherman. They do like baseball and I think it is due to the atmosphere of a field on game day. Baseball is the most relaxing yet exicting sport anyone can attend.

But as far as football (soccer), I would give my right arm to go to a match in England between Manchester United and Liverpool. I can dream though......One of these days!!