I was finally able to pull down this pic off my phone - this was from the game I attended with my son 2 weeks ago when Barry hit # 716.
Not that any of the Dodger fans would care...
Reflections on the grand ol' game from fans across the country. As a wise forty-something sage once said, "Baseball is proof that God exists."
Awww, come on, where's the spirit of brotherhood! I care. I care that you and your son were there to enjoy a great moment at the park. =)
Thanks bro - you're a good man...
To be biblical about the whole thing, I did some research into the number 716. I found that Psalms 7:16 that says:
"The trouble he causes recoils on himself; his violence comes down on his own head".
I don't want to sound like the Preacher that sent out the email about Portland being destroyed but this is one of those things that make you go hmmmmmmm.
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