Monday, June 26, 2006

Nicknames: You Pick 'Em

I read an article here about how nicknames are not as prominent any more. Oh sure, we have The Big Unit, Godzilla, Pudge, Big Papi, The Rocket, The Big Hurt, etc...... But there is a need for more. So, Who's your favorite player that does not have one and what would you propose it to be?

Mine is: Ken Griffey Jr. "Dee Ell"

1 comment:

Andy said...

Ray Durham - "G.P." for Groin Pull.

Shawn Estes - "Headcase"

Alex Rodriguez - yeah, he's got "A-Rod" but he really should be "Crybaby" for whining about Seattle after going to Texas, then whining about Texas when they were losing, and then whining about bad calls in the ALCS 2 years ago...