Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Anyone But...

After listening to the Giants lose yet another game to the Marlins, my first thought was, How the heck do you lose to the Marlins? And then, I corrected myself with the thought, Oh, yeah, they're the Marlins. For the past decade or so, the Marlins just seem to have the Giants number. Whether they are good or bad, the Giants always seem to get their hats handed to them by the members of this fishy team. I don't know what it is, but when I see the Marlins on the schedule I just know that a bunch of losses will follow.

In the early 90's, it was the Astros for the Giants. We just never seemed to be able to get past those guys. They weren't a great team back then - better than some perhaps - but they had our number. And before that, I can remember fearing the arrival of the Braves (back before they were good and before they had that annoying Tomahawk crap... honestly, is there anything more annoying in modern baseball? I'd take the DH in the NL if they'd ban the tomahawk crap!)

I don't know what it is that allows some teams to dominate match ups even when the other team sucks, but I'm sure the Giants can't be the only team with a fish they can't fry. Anyone else's team have an annoying nemesis?


Andy said...

I would amend this to say that the Astros in the mid to late 80s were also quite the Giants' nemesis. Remember Mike Scott? The Giants could never seem to beat him.

Agree with you on the Braves, especially the early 90s Braves when Glavine & Smoltz were young and Maddux was on fire.

I'd also add in the Cardinals of the 80s, who were always tough on the G-men - Coleman & McGee were ALWAYS on base against Giant pitching.

Anonymous said...

As a Yankees fan, I hate the Devil Rays! just kidding.

My stress level always goes up when the Bo Sox series begins.

It's just like when Kentucky plays Duke for me.

I relived a West Coast moment the other night. I taught my three year old how to reinact the famous Kirk Gibson home run when we were running the bases at the local ball park. He did pretty good with the arm pump and everything. Fun stuff!